For teachers

Structure, syllabi and all the support you need

Comdance gives you the structure and syllabi to engage and encourage your students. Our internationally-recognised syllabi and qualifications cover all major dance genres including Classical Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Contemporary, Hip Hop Ballroom and Latin. They give you an excellent structure and framework on which to base your classes and keep your students motivated.

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turn your passion into a career

A Comdance accreditation gives you a higher profile within the industry. As a Comdance-endorsed teacher, you can actively promote your services through this website.

become the best teacher you can be

Comdance can help you with professional development and networking. We hold regular workshops, conventions and knowledge seminars.

achieve your dreams

Comdance can introduce you to local and international job opportunities. You can also earn additional income reselling our range of quality clothing and merchandise.

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